word, and the second is the number of times it appears in the corpus. The entries are sorted from least-frequently occurring to most-frequently occurring. `frequency.tsv` was compiled using [this program](https://github.com/casey/onegrams). To search an `ord` wallet for sats with a name in `frequency.tsv`, use the following [`ord`](https://github.com/ordinals/ord) command: ``` ord wallet sats --tsv frequency.tsv ``` This command requires the sat index, so `--index-sats` must be passed to ord when first creating the index. ### Part 0 *Rare sats pair best with rare words.* The transaction that submits the UTXO containing the sat whose name appears with the lowest number of occurrences in `frequency.tsv` shall be the winner of part 0. ### Part 1 *Popularity is the font of value.* The transaction that submits the UTXO containing the sat whose name appears with the highest number of occurrences in `frequency.tsv` shall be the winner of part 1. ### Tie Breaking In the case of a tie, where two submissions occur with the same frequency, the